Tuesday 27 May 2014


I love love love coconut. I really do. With that being said, FRESH coconut is the best. When I say fresh, I know it's not the same as it is for people in tropical areas. I live on an island, but it is NOT tropical. lol I live in Newfoundland, it's the eastern most province in Canada, and is very cold during the winter, and warm during the summer, but to some people, it would still be cold. Anyway, the freshest coconuts we get, are usually very close to getting moldy, or already moldy, so when I find some good ones, I try to grab a few, so that I have them. The last batch of coconut milk I made, wasn't all gone, before I found some more good coconuts at the store. I bought them anyway, because I'd rather have too much than not enough. I, and by I, I mean by handsome awesome Husband cracked them open for me, and then I pulled the meat out, and peeled the husk away. I then washed the chunks of coconut meat, and froze it in a ziploc bag. It was in the freezer for about a month before I used it. It tasted exactly the same as if I had used it straight from the shell. It was awesome. I let it thaw out, and then went about making my coconut milk as usual. Recipe is also here on my blog. I used warm water this time, and it makes all the fat stay in the coconut milk, which makes it taste wayyyyy better. Coconut fat is actually VERY good for you, look it up! :)

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